Hanshi Eric Van Vaerenbergh behaalt WADA ADeL Talented Athletes Education Program certificaat te Blankenberge

Op donderdag 8 juli 2021 volgde Hanshi Eric Van Vaerenbergh, op advies van de VKBM²O, het online WADA ADeL Talented Athletes Education Program: ADeL for Talented Athletes and Athlete’s Guide to the Code 2021 en behaalde na een succesvol examen het certificaat. Het volledige WADA ADeL Talented Athletes Education Program: ADeL for Talented Athletes and Athlete’s Guide to the Code 2021 bestond uit onderstaande 9 modules en vakken:
- Module 1: You! And clean Sport
- Ok, so what is this module all about?
- Sport and its values
- Developing values
- Clean sport
- Let’s reflect
- A final word
- Module 2: Welcome to the world of anti-doping
- Ok, so what is this module all about?
- What is doping?
- Why have rules?
- Anti-Doping Organizations (ADO’s)
- An athlete in the anti-doping system
- Final word
- Module 3: Challenging moments in sport
- Ok, so what is this module all about?
- Let’s explore vulnerability
- Taking action
- Consequences of doping
- Module 4: Medications in sport – Getting to know the List
- Ok, so what is this module all about?
- A quick glance at the Prohibited List
- Medication use in sport
- Module 5: Food first! Why food is good
- Ok, so what is this module all about?
- Food!
- Supplements and their risks
- Eating for sport
- A few last pieces of advice
- A final word
- Module 6: When athletes are tested
- Ok, so what is this module all about?
- What is this testing all about?
- Who can be tested and how are they selected?
- When and where does testing take place?
- What happens when I am selected for a test?
- What happens when I have to provide a sample?
- What happens to my sample?
- A final word
- Acknowledgements
- Module 7: Having courage and speaking up
- Ok, so what is this module all about?
- When sport is unsafe or unfair
- Taking action
- Speaking up about doping
- A final word
- Acknowledgements
- Module 8: Final quiz for talented athletes
- 18 questions
- Minimum 80% to succeed
- Module 9: ADeL learning Experience Survey
- Feedback WADA ADeL Talented Athletes Education Program