zondag 26 augustus 2007: Shane Thomas behaald Nidan 2de Dan zwarte gordel Kyokushin Full Contact Karate te Rab (Kroatië)

OSU to everybody I want to thank everyone for supporting my 50 Man Kumite. To cut a long story short…I succeeded. The 50 Man Kumite was held out doors, on the island of Rab (Croatia) in the midday sun with a temperature of 38°C! Shihan Semmy Schilt (K-1 Grand Prix World Champion) conducted the kumite and witnessed/verified my pass. My opponents included 6th Dans, 5th Dans, 4th Dans, 3rd Dans, the East German Knockdown Team, former champions, current champions and I am proud to say my own students. – Each round was 1:30 minutes with around 10-15 seconds to change opponent. – At times gave up more than 40 kilos. – There were times I wanted to quit but Shihan Eric Van Vaerenbergh made me believe I could succeed. He NEVER failed me. He stayed at my side. – Many times I couldn’t breathe. My lungs failed me. But Shihan Lionel Bricnet NEVER failed me. He fought me and he guided me. – During the twenty-seventh fight…I saw Lynn Peene from Belgium… screaming in pain – yet she continued!!! She succeeded in fighting her 30 man!!! SEEING LYNN SUCCEED IS THE REASON I SUCCEEDED THE FIFTY MAN KUMITE – Lynn is the PERFECT example of Kokoro. I am DWARFED by her skill, her heart and her dedication. – During my last fight…number 50; I was not able to counter with strikes and I simply accepted the attacks. My body could not continue. – During my last fight, number 50; I was knocked down three times and stood up each time in less than 1 second. My mind refused to stay down. – I survived, I’m alive and I’m happy. – The 50 man is usually a test for 3rd Dans. – I completed this test as a Shodan with just one week’s notice – but I’m glad I did it. – I did it with the support of my wife. – I did it with the support of my Budo family. – I did it with the support of my teachers. – I did it with the support of my students. – I did it because “without Kokoro, Budo is an empty shell”. As a result; – I’ve now achieved something that I’ve been dreaming about since I was 14 years old. – Kaicho Bluming (10th Dan) decided to promote me to Nidan (2nd Dan) in Kyokushin and All-Round Fighting. – Shihan Eric Van Vaerenbergh (6th Dan) decided to promote me to Nidan (2nd Dan) in Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting. Great fun… I’m bruised (see photo of my blocking arm) but happy! :-))))) Thank you for supporting me. OSU & Always with Respect, Shane. One Year Ago; Doctor: “Shane, you have a condition called Atopy. Your respiratory system is genetically disfunctional. I’m sorry but this cannot be cured”. Shane: “What can I do about this? I run out of breath when I lift my daughter into my arms!” Doctor: “Nothing. If you have this condition, it always wins in the end. These drugs will help your breathing a little.” I was devastated. Two Days Later; Shane: “Shihan, the doctor says I cannot fight or train. Please give me the 30 man kumite.” Shihan Eric: “No. It will kill you. Train… lose 20 kilos… and come back.” Shane: “I can’t believe this is happening to me.” Shihan Eric: “You already have the skill for 50 men but your body will break cannot survive three. Learn to breath again – come back in one year.” I was imprisoned. Two Weeks Ago (one week before Kumite); SMS from Shihan Eric: “50 man kumite in Croatia?” SMS response from Shane: “Kokoro. Always ready to fight.” I was frightened. 1 Minute before the Kumite (26th August, 2007); Semmy Schilt: “You are Shodan! Why are you fighting 50 man kumite? It’s not necessary for Shodan!” Shane: “I am doing it for me.” I was free…

zondag 26 augustus 2007: Lynn Peene behaald Shodan 1ste Dan zwarte gordel Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting te Rab (Kroatië)

Lynn Peene mag zich na tien jaar training en een geslaagd doch loodzwaar Shodan 1ste Dan zwarte gordel Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting examen, onder het toeziende oog van de Internationale Dan graden commissie op het eiland Rab (Kroatië) vanaf nu terecht “Senpai” (leraar) laten noemen. Ze volbracht alle kata’s, waza’s, fysieke proeven en de finale dertig man kumite (dertig personen bekampen aan 2 minuten per ronde) in een windstille en verschroeiende temperatuur van maar liefst 38° graden en behaalde een eindscore van maar liefst 182 op 184 punten! Het heeft de gloednieuwe Senpai bloed, zweet en tranen gekost maar het in ontvangst mogen nemen van een zwarte gordel Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting is dan ook niet niks! In haar dertig man kumite bevond zich eveneens een Poolse vechtster die in de vorige wereldkampioenschappen Kyokushin een derde plaats wist te bemachtigen! Het was dan ook een emotioneel moment voor Shihan Eric en zijn RONIN M.M.A. team, toen Lynn de dertigste persoon huilend afwerkte…en nadien uitgeput in de armen van Kaicho Bluming neerstreek. De vele complimenten aan het adres van Senpai Lynn Peene toonde duidelijk aan dat iedereen onder de indruk was van deze opmerkelijke prestatie…

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donderdag 23 augustus 2007: IBK zomerkamp te Rab (Kroatië)

Het voltallige RONIN M.M.A. team dat de IBK België vertegenwoordigde zakte met maar liefst 13 personen af naar het prachtige eiland Rab, voor de kust van Kroatië, om er deel te nemen aan het IBK Kroatië zomerkamp 2007 dat doorging van donderdag 23 augustus 2007 – dinsdag 28 augustus 2007. Honderden deelnemers kwamen opdagen om door verschillende top instructeurs onderwezen te worden in verschillende stijlen zoals Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting, Kyokushin Full Contact Karate, K1 Kickboxing, Muaythai, Judo, enz. Meervoudig wereldkampioen K1 Shihan Semmy Schilt was ook van de partij en demonstreerde dat hij wel degelijk over een solide Kyokushin Full Contact karate achtergrond beschikte door een prachtige sparring te demonstreren tegen Shihan Andrea Stoppa, meervoudig Kyokushin Full Contact karate kampioen en wereldkampioen Daido Juku (meest extreme vorm van Karate).

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